“Participation in this focus group allowed me to assess my values and my personality. I knew I had issues but the DISC exercise really validated and confirmed some things about myself that I wasn’t sure of or didn’t know before. I feel like I have been introduced to who I really am. ”
— LLCP Participant
“The MSK project was life changing for me! I gained truly valuable insights into who I am and developed real clarity about my life’s purpose.”
— LLCP Participant
“I’m so glad to be apart of MSK. I know I don’t say much at times, but I do want you to know after attending the MSK program, I went back to college and I will be recieving my AA DEGREE on June the 9th @ the Civic Center. Currently, I’m working on my Bacholors in Illustration. After attending the MSK program, God started putting people in my life that encouraged me to go to school. When I left Cincinnati Art Academy, I thought it was over...no more school. However, now I will be marching for my AA degree. When I was sitting at the 2012 MSK Graduation and Awards Celebration Sunday...it hit me in the face...( Marietta, you will finally get your degree). That’s a dream come true! I just want you to know that your dream to help people is coming true. Thank you. I love you!
— Marietta S.
“Since participating in the focus group, I feel more confident about my future possibilities. I am now considering and researching a Ph.D. in Accounting and embarking on a career in higher education.”
— LLCP participant
“In 2009, I was looking for something different for my life, for my vision to be broadened, yet I felt there was still something missing. Not long after having this thought, a friend introduced me to My Sister’s Keeper where I became actively involved in the process for liberation, education, and redefinition of women from all walks of life. As a result of being a part of this program my life’s mission began to unfold. I appreciate being honored with such a financial blessing.”
— Alice Marie Hutchinson
“Winning the scholarship gave me the confidence that had been broken inside as well as the confidence to believe in myself again,” Tracy says. “I am happy to say that I am almost finished with a degree in communication at Georgia Perimeter and will be transferring to Tennessee State University afterwards. Something I didn’t think would ever happen to me. Not only did the award afford me the opportunity to go back to school but it also gave me the confidence I needed to pursue a degree at forty-one, divorced, and a single mom.”